Category Archives: Geography for Year 3

Year 3 Emergency Lesson Plans for Geography

Lesson plans for supply teachersThese emergency lesson plans for Year 3 Geography are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources. Also to be used following the guidance notes here.


Topic Lesson Plan
Investigating our local area Where is it in relation to other places?
Weather around the world Plan a holiday in a cold place. Locate on a map, how will you get there, what is it like, what will you take with you, what activities could you do that you couldn’t do in a hot place (skiing etc.) Children to then design a tourist leaflet for that place, or invitation to a family member to come with them.
How can we improve the area we can see from our window? Draw/label what the view from your window (in school?) will be like in the future.

Return to Emergency Lesson Plans Index

Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Year 3 Emergency Lesson Plans for Literacy. Check out our resources area here too.