Key Stage One Emergency Lesson Plans for Geography

These emergency lesson plans for Year 1 and Year 2 Geography are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources.

FS2 / KS1 Emergency Lesson Plans for supply teachersAsk students to draw and label a map of the classroom.
Ask students to draw and label the school and playground.
Get students to describe what they can see in the playground.
Students to describe areas in the classroom/school for others to describe.
Students to design in groups their ideal playground, labelling what they would have in it
and why.
Using a story as a basis, students to create what they imagine the story setting to be – e.g. Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood.
Observe and record what they can see and hear in the playground.
Create a questionnaire to ask a character from a story about where they live.
Brainstorm the types of houses and buildings in the area they live in.
Discuss the places they know/are aware of/have been to and create a map from their
point of view of the world.
Describe different places they have been to and how it was different to where they live.
Create a weather chart with activities they like to do in different weathers.
Discuss what happens with different types of weather – when it rains lots what happens?
When it is hot what happens?
Think about the best places to cross the road near the school and create a poster to remind people how to cross the road safely.

Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Emergency lesson plans for history. Check out our resources area here too.