Tag Archives: teacher job application form

Sample Personal / Supporting Statement

SupplyBag.co.uk aims to help supply teachers in all aspects of their work. Here, we look at your personal or supporting statement.

Writing a personal or supporting statement, after filling out a 10-page form already, and a covering letter, can seem very daunting. 

Sample Personal Supporting Statement

Other applicants may have very similar experiences and qualifications to yourself. In your statement you need to be persuasive.

However, a supporting statement is your chance to shine.
Think about what you believe in / what you think makes a good teacher?
Now write examples of how you have put that into practice, without telling them that’s what you’re doing.
Tell them what you’ve done, how you did it, and how successful you were. What are you most proud of in your career so far? 

Along with a few of my teaching friends, I came up with something like this as an opening paragraph: 

Through this statement I will show what I consider to be the primary requirements for the post of class teacher. I will discuss what I believe I can offer in terms of my personal strengths, based not only on my view but also the views of a number of teaching professionals. 

(The last part enables quotes from tutors/inspectors/heads etc.)

To help ensure you are showcasing yourself appropriately, take a look now at my proofreading and critique service.
The following supporting statement is in general circulation amongst the inboxes of students and is more specifically for a secondary school position.

Dear <Head Teacher>, 

I write with reference to the vacancy for Teacher of Geography advertised in TES on Friday 19th November 2004. I am keen to be part of the geography department at because I would like the opportunity to enthuse young people about geography. I want to be a team player in a school, such as , where pupil success in learning and achievement is celebrated for each and every pupil. 

Geography has always been my favourite subject; it offers the chance to explore the processes that form the world around us. I believe teaching pupils to understand physical and human processes advocates an appreciation of environments, places and people. With this ethos in mind I purposely chose a 50:50 split of physical and human modules to build a rounded geographical knowledge for my degree. Studies undertaken for my degree include glaciation in the mountains of Majorca, urban studies in Paris and Palma and agricultural practices in West Wales. Using this knowledge to teach geography at School Name would allow me to encourage pupils to navigate ‘unchartered’ waters, making them aware of the world around them. 

Whilst on teaching practice, at Teaching Practice School Name and Current School Name, I taught various strands of the Geography National Curriculum at Key Stages 3 and 4. In addition I was also involved in A-level teaching at Teaching Practice School 2/3 Name. My professional relationship with Current School Name has continued into the new school year, when I accepted the position of teacher of geography. This post is a temporary maternity cover, which ends on Friday 26th November 2004. 

Developing ideas and strategies has also included an exploration of a variety of teaching and learning styles, including didactic, group and pair work, use of textbooks and open-ended research. An example of this is a research project I conducted with mixed ability year 7 groups. The research was based upon the BBC’s list of top 20 places in the world to visit. During one lesson in the series pupils were encouraged to use ICT as part of their research, this activity had to be differentiated to accommodate the differing needs and abilities of each pupil. One method I employed in this situation was to encourage ICT confident pupils to ‘buddy’ with less confident ICT pupils, this method worked very effectively. I am keen to continue to develop my repertoire of strategies and methods at School Name, to ensure I can offer all pupils the opportunity to enjoy their education. 

Throughout my teaching I have taken the opportunity to develop my own teaching ideas and strategies, especially in line with the literacy and numeracy strands of the Key Stage Three Strategy. Literacy is especially important in geography because it is necessary for pupils to be able to understand specialist geographical terminology in order to fully appreciate the subject. With this premise in mind I incorporate literacy into my lessons through defining key terms and offering guidance on how to structure reports, essays and other work. 

Assessing pupils’ work is essential in encouraging them to progress and build upon their knowledge. I employ a variety of assessment methods to encourage this progress, and hope to continue developing assessment methods at School Name to ensure pupils build a sound geographical knowledge. Hand in hand with assessment is continual monitoring of pupil progression in the classroom, which is vital to ensure a positive, independent pupil-centred environment for learning. 

The teaching and learning styles encompassing fieldwork are a key area of pupil progression that I am eager to be involved in at School Name, in order to enrich the learning experiences of the pupils, and make them aware of essential geographical research methods. I appreciate the location of School Name lends itself very well to fieldwork because there are a multitude of opportunities in the surrounding area that can be used to facilitate ‘hands on’ learning. 

I want to work at School Name where there are opportunities to develop the use of ICT in a variety of ways, including producing resources, lesson planning and conducting research with pupils. I have used Interactive Whiteboards for a variety of teaching and learning activities including Power Point presentations, drawing diagrams and displaying aims. ICT has a positive effect on pupils and their learning; they are confident at working independently, able to access relevant information quickly and easily and have access to the most up to date knowledge available. 

I also took the opportunity to teach GCSE Leisure and Tourism based on my relevant experience in the hotel industry, which I joined when I left university. I am able to use this experience in many contexts within the classroom, and beyond, and feel my specialist knowledge would be beneficial to School Name pupils because I could bring a new perspective to the teaching of the geography curriculum, especially in areas such as tourism, industry and citizenship, which are constantly being redefined. 

Being a form tutor is an essential aspect of School Name’s school life I am keen to be involved in, because it allows time to get to know pupils away from the geography lesson. Form time is an opportunity to discuss many topical issues, such as the importance of being an informed citizen and acting responsibly. Whilst training at Current School Name I shadowed two forms, year 10 and year 8, the latter was handed over to me as year 9 when I began my employment at the school. 

Acting in a pastoral role has affirmed my belief that education needs to be holistic as well as academic, which is why it is important for me to be able to meet pupils away from the geography classroom where I can assist them in forming their own beliefs, morals and codes of conduct within the context of existing school policies. I aim to use these beliefs and morals within the classroom to create a safe, secure and caring environment for all pupils to work in. 

Extra-curricular activities and fundraising events are a fundamental part of School Name’s school life I am eager to be involved in because they help to pull the wider community together and consolidate the values of a rounded education. Activities I have experience of and would be prepared to get involved with at School Name include Badminton, swimming, handicrafts, public speaking and debating. At Current School Name I have been involved with preparing participants in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme for their bronze award residential expedition, and I have conducted after school sessions aimed at pupils who want to improve their coursework. 

I would like to finish this letter of application with my most important assets which I feel are essential to teaching successfully; a good sense of humour and fun and the ability to be understanding. 

Yours Sincerely,

Where next? There’s a great quick read here on show me show me skills! Check out our resources area here too.

The Job Application

At SupplyBag.co.uk, we know that not all supply teachers are doing supply teaching through choice. Around 40% are actively looking for more secure positions. We try, in this section, to give you support with your job applications.

Aims of a job application: 

• to get selected for interview
• to influence the panel in your favour before they even set eyes on you
• not to get you sacked when you start the job…it must be honest!

Elements of a job application: 

• Application Form 

• CV – if required 
• Letter or statement in support
• Executive Summary to show how you comply with the criteria 

The Application Form: 

• Photocopy it and practice 
• Legible – type it if possible: ask for electronic version, or stick and paste
• Dark ink, preferably black
• Get the details correct
• Fill it all in
• Don’t say “see CV ”
• Don’t leave the salary blank
• Follow the instructions – especially for the chronological order of your Employment History

The Curriculum Vitæ: 

• Normally recent first – don’t begin with your A-levels 

• Proper emphasis – write more on relevant experience and most recent, less on e.g. being a school prefect (I have seen it) 

• Don’t just give job title – explain what were your major responsibilities and successes 

• “Bury” less favourable information by putting on left of page 

• Explain any unusual things such as why you have a 2-year gap in your employment history 

See Sample CV

The Letter or Supporting Statement:

• Carry out the instructions
• No more than 2 pages = 1½ – 2 pages, not just 1 paragraph
• Handwritten if they ask, typed if not
• Address any issues they ask you to, don’t just ignore them
• Wring value out of every sentence you put in
• Tell them why they need you, not why you need them
• Make it specific to their job description
• Make it as structured as a good student essay
• Make it easy to read

See Sample Supporting Statement


The Job Application - with thanks to 'TheoGriff'

Don’t use staples! Do make sure your name is on each page, they get passed around.

Sample opening paragraphs of a letter:

I wish to be considered for this position and enclose… I am attracted to this post as a development of my role as…… in which I have direct responsibility for … I have been concerned especially with…… I now feel ready to extend this experience of ….. and ….. into another School. School XXX is of particular interest to me because of its ……… (Don’t say because you live near it!)

Internal structure:

3 or 4 main sections. I would actually put headings in the letter, to make the structure clear; typical ones could be:

• Current and recent experience
• Other achievements relevant to your post
• The priorities of your post
• The future of XXX School

Current and recent experience –

Say what you are doing, but in structured fashion: curriculum role, pastoral role, managerial role, extra-curricular, contact with parents/ other schools, experience of budgeting, etc.

Other achievements relevant to your post –

Responsibilities/ contributions in previous posts; any outside activities; any specific training done

The priorities of your post –

What you think the post is about, based on the clues that they give you. What do they need you to do? How would you fulfil this? This is your chance to show them that they need you

The future of XXX School –

This is relevant specifically for management level posts, showing that you have an understanding of the type of School that it is, the context that it is working in, and how you could contribute to its development

The Executive Summary. The What?

• Remember the 1st aim – to get shortlisted; make it easy for them to select you
• Will also concentrate your mind in writing a good application letter by reminding you of all your strengths
• Based on: Person Specification, Job Purpose
• Show both their requirements and how you match up to them
• Do it in table form, showing their points (Good Hons Degree) and how you comply: (BSc II(a) Bio London)

(Can’t put a table here, you’ll have to imagine that their requirements are on the left, your experience is on the right).

Your requirements / My experience
• High Academic Qualifications?
• BA (Hons) Class 1; MA; PhD

• Leadership of School and SMT?
• Direct line management 170 staff, 2,500 pupils

• Management Committees?
• SMT; Curriculum Management Team; IT Strategy Group; Joint Staff Group; Quality; H&S; Academic Board; Inclusive Learning; Equal Ops

• Experience of pastoral systems?
• Responsible for student support and academic guidance at LeafyLane Comp

• Understanding the School as a business?
• Successful experience of: budget management; financial planning; monthly management accounts; efficiency gains; income generation; personnel issues; use of MIS to support decision- making

• Knowledge of marketing?
• Manage marketing at LeafyLane Comprehensive: 140 admissions per year

Final Do’s and Don’t’s

• Don’t correct errors on their forms
• Don’t use staples on your application

• Have your name on each page
• Check you have got the name of the right School. And then check it again!

Where next? There’s a great quick read here on the perfect food for supply teachers. Check out our resources area here too.

Proofreading and Evaluation Service for Job Applications

***Please note: service currently not available***

About to send out a job application? Whatever you submit needs to be the best it can be. Have yours checked over by a critical, experienced eye.

  • Helping you to make a great first impression with prospective schools.
  • Correcting spelling and grammar errors.
  • Suggesting any changes that could be made to your text, ensuring you have highlighted your strengths.
  • Reading with a school’s typical wish-list in mind, whether you’re looking for day-to-day supply work or a more permanent teaching position.

Recent feedback:

“Thanks for the great critique.  Very thorough and well worth the cost.” D1

“Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Would definitely recommend your service… I am much happier with supporting statement, just wish I’d done this earlier.” D2

“I just wanted to offer my feedback of your service and tell you that I am very impressed with how useful your comments were. I previously used the TES review service and paid £60 to find that their comments were not very useful and nor as indepth as yours so thank you.” T1

“Thank you so much for your feedback I have just glanced through it and actually looking forward to making those changes tomorrow… I was worried I would feel negative after receiving a critique however just reading through your comments I feel positive about the changes I can make and hope they make a good impact on my next teaching application so thank you very much.” C1

Typical Costs

Initial submission

Covering letters and Supporting Statements –

First page: £12
Each additional page: £6

Curriculum Vitae and County/School’s own Application Form –

First page: £8
Each additional page: £4

Re-submission (for checking after making any amendments)

Covering letters and Supporting Statements –

Per page: £3.50

Curriculum Vitae and County/School’s own Application Form –
Per page: £2.50

Please contact me with your specific requirements.
Discounts available for multiple orders.
Processed by email within 3 working days of receipt.

Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Prospero teaching. Check out our resources area here too.

Paperwork for a job application

by Sharon Wood

SupplyBag.co.uk contains a wealth of information for supply teachers and prospective supply teachers. Here we look at your teacher’s job application.

I have included an example of a letter to send to schools prospecting for supply work here, but I am well aware that around 40%* of supply teachers are transitory: they are actively looking for a more long-term contract. I added this section to the website with you in mind.

Paperwork - CV, Supporting Statement, School's Application Form, where does it end?

Feel buried under a mountain of paperwork? Once you have a handle on it, it only needs a little re-working for each fresh application.

For NQTs who have yet to secure their first permanent teaching contract, for teachers returning to work after a period of absence (to raise a family, for example), and for those who have relocated, this section provides advice on securing a teaching position.

If, whilst out hunting for the perfect job, you are undertaking supply work, do not under-estimate the value of this work! Add it to your CV, include it in your supporting statement. Many gainfully employed teachers would quake and quiver at the prospect of teaching on day-to-day supply. You are doing it – successfully – and living to tell the glorious tale of how you enhance your teaching skills and the learning environment of the children you meet daily. If you would like help in showcasing your flexibility, your professionalism and your quick-thinking within your own personal statement, click here.

* I read it recently, haven’t remembered where yet!

Where next? There’s a great quick read here on part time teaching but full time parent. Check out our resources area here too.