Category Archives: History for Year 4

Year 3 and Year 4 Emergency Lesson Plans for History

Lesson plans for supply teachersThese emergency lesson plans for Year 3 and 4 History are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources. Also to be used following the guidance notes here.


Topic Lesson Plan
Why have people invaded and settled in Britain in the past? A Roman case study. Find a description of Boudicca in more than one book. Read to children and note similarities/differences (question why they might contradict each other) and then children to draw Boudicca and write a paragraph on what sort of person she might be… write it from two different points of view if more able, a centurions and a Celt being invaded.
Why have people invaded and settled in Britain in the past? An Anglo-Saxon case study. Present an artefact (photo/muddy a pot during lunchtime) and ask children to write questions that they would ask the owner. The artefact was found in the grave at Sutton Hoo, so it may tell us a lot about the Anglo-Saxons. If there were an AS in the room, what would they ask about the artefact, that would help them to understand further what life was like then. Most important here is historical enquiry, what ‘could’ we find out from these objects, make a list of questions. You can hot seat at the end pretending you’re an AS and tell the children about your life if you’re comfortable with the topic.
Why have people invaded and settled in Britain in the past? A Viking case study. Explain that most religions state an obligation to help the poor and destitute. In Anglo-Saxon times, there lived monks, in monasteries. People gave treasures to the monks, and the monks stored food for the poor. Why would monasteries be a good place for Vikings to raid? Children to draw a cartoon strip of Vikings raiding a monasteries (monks do not fight back) including showing their ‘loot’.
Why did Henry VIII marry six times? Write an extract from Henry VIII’s diary. He spent his days hunting, going to church, having huge meals with umpteen courses, listening to and performing music. Ask them then to write an extract from the diary of one of his servant’s children (who would also be working in the palace!)
What were the differences between the lives of rich and poor people in Tudor times? Explore reasons why some people were rich and others were poor in Tudor times, compare with why people are rich and poor today. Look at attitudes to rich and poor then and now. There were almshouses then, but laws against begging etc., the poor were punished.
What was it like for children in the Second World War? Write a letter from a parent to an evacuated child, describing the Blitz, or write a letter to a parent from an evacuated child, describing the countryside (Goodnight Mr Tom etc., if there’s a copy in the classroom)
What can we find out about ancient Egypt from what has survived? Egyptians believe in life after death, and buried their people with objects that could help them in the next life, and would also show what their social standing was in this life – they are almost like time capsules of a persons life at one point in time. Draw/write about what you would put in a time capsule for your life/David Beckham’s life (for example!) Be sensitive, some children may be coming to terms with a recent death.
What was it like to live here in the past? Write open-ended questions that you would ask an elderly resident about life in your locality in the past. Go back further and write questions for people who have since died (Victorians etc.) How do these questions differ and why?


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Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Year 3 Emergency Lesson Plans for DT. Check out our resources area here too.