Category Archives: Resource-Free Science Plans Guidance

Resource-Free Lesson Plans for Science

Click here to download all 289 of my supply teacher lesson plans in one handy PDF file.

New to supply teaching? You may have a constant worry that no planning will be left for you, in an unfamiliar school, with eager children. It doesn’t happen that often, and I believe it doesn’t ever have to happen, but I won’t get on my soap box now about it!

These one-line emergency Science lessons plans are intended to be used as a prompt when no planning has been left for you as a supply teacher. They are not intended to be replacements for full lesson plans, and no liability can be accepted by us if you decide to use them. They are mainly from the top of NuttySupplier’s head. Work is split into year groups, and then further split into the Science Scheme of Work units.

Emergency, Resource-Free Lesson Plans for Science

Emergency, Resource-Free Lesson Plans for Science

Emergency, Resource-Free Lesson Plans for Science[/caption]

Emergency lesson plans for Year 3 Science

Emergency lesson plans for Year 4 Science

Emergency lesson plans for Year 5 Science

Emergency lesson plans for Year 6 Science

Return to Emergency Lesson Plans index.

Science doesn’t have to be practical. If no resources are left for you, you could pop outside at lunchtime and see what you could find to help you along, such as fallen leaves. However, faced with no science lesson plans, no Head would expect you to produce an all-singing, all-dancing interactive lesson, so don’t beat yourself up over it! Do try and make it memorable for the children in some way though… Think kinaesthetic. Get the children out of their seats, to the front of the class, pretending to be kettles, hair-dryers etc., not just listening to you talking about them!

Where next? There’s a great quick read here on choosing supply when returning to work. Check out our resources area here too.