Gemstone Recruitment


Gemstone Recruitment - Education Recruitment in West Yorkshire

Gemstone Recruitment are specialists in Education Recruitment, operating throughout West Yorkshire.  With more than a decade of experience, we provide staff to schools on short, long and permanent basis; we know what we are doing, and we do it well.

We aim to match schools with high quality staff who are skilled in delivering a purposeful education to all students.

We provide teachers and support staff with the right roles and aim to ensure that placements are rewarding and appropriate to the individual, no matter what stage of career they are at.

We recruit a range of staff, from support staff and non-teaching roles, through to Leadership roles.

Typical roles are – but not limited to:


We work across the Education sector, with relationships with all types of education establishments;


We want to work with the best teachers and support staff around.  We do this by providing a simple and straightforward registration process to our staff, and pay them well.

Our registration process is simple and straightforward.

First, we want to talk to you.  We will arrange a time to go through your work history, skills and achievements, find out what you are looking for, and what makes you unique.  Then, if we think we can help you, you will need to give us details of 2 references, your qualifications, and your eligibility to work in the UK.
If we are looking for temporary or contract work for you, we will also need to pass you through our compliance process.

Finally, we will agree a specific marketing plan tailored around you to find you the job you want.

At all points we will stay in contact with you and keep you informed during this process.

For more information, please call our office on 01484 819265, or email and one of consultants will be pleased to talk to you about how we can help you.

Teaching agency in West Yorkshire - Gemstone Recruitment

Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Genie education
Check out our resources area here too.