Tag Archives: relief teachers

Relief Teachers

Relief teachers from as far away as Singapore and Australia enjoy reading the information collected here for supply teachers.

Relief Teachers Information and Resources

Information and Resources for Relief Teachers

Welcome to you all, and please be assured that I will be adding more relevant information for relief teachers in the coming months! In the mean time, you may enjoy reading about teaching in the UK, or mentally substitute the word ‘supply’ for ‘relief’ every time you read it in our article about making a good first impression.

Have a great read while you are here, say hello in the forum, ‘Like’ us on Facebook, ‘Follow’ me on Twitter, and I hope that through this website you find the information, resources and support for relief teachers that you are looking for!

Are you a relief teacher? How do things differ in your country?

Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Remembering children’s’ names. Check out our resources area here too.