Teaching Unions

As a supply teacher working in England, you do not have to belong to a teaching union or association. However, we highly recommend that you are a member of one. A teaching union or association can be like an invisible safety net. They offer support, information and guidance. They also can provide legal assistance. If you do not have membership, then please look into Professional Indemnity Insurance and make sure you have legal expense cover.

Some teachers unions and teaching associations have variable membership fees depending on how much you are expecting to work as a supply teacher and on part-time contracts. For example, the NUT for one, has one price for supply teachers (paid daily/hourly) and a pricing structure based on you working up to 30% of a week, 30% to 60%, or 60%+. I used to update my details once a term as contracts began and ended to make sure I wasn’t paying too much or too little.

Teaching Unions - Information for Supply Teachers

Please find below links to the main Teaching Unions in the UK:

Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Teaching your own child. Check out our resources area here too.