Tag Archives: supply teacher advice

Arrive Homes – Finding Accommodation for Supply Teachers

Arrive Homes


Arrive Homes was started in 2009 by two teachers with a passion for property after realising there was an opportunity to provide a good standard of accommodation at affordable rates in desirable locations within London. Looking for a place to stay in London?

Arrive Homes is successful because they listen to potential and existing clients and respond quickly and efficiently to client needs. Focusing on helping teachers and other professionals find accommodation in house shares in London. These are set up and managed by Arrive Homes.

Typically, the houses accommodate between 4 & 6 people. All bills are included in the rent – electricity, heating, water, internet, tv and tv licence.

Contracts are flexible in length. All properties managed by Arrive Homes are close to the 'tube'/London Underground and mainline stations.

In residing with Arrive Homes, many friendships have been made. Particularly, as teachers have holidays at the same time. Many have travelled together and provided an excellent support network.

Contact details:

Phone – Phil Tierney +44 7989 436162
Email: Contact@arrivehomes.co.uk
Website: arrivehomes.com
Skype: arrivehomes

Where next? There's a great quick read here on Surviving the day.Check out our resources area here too.

Sample Curriculum Vitae

Supply teachers, I feel, are less well supported than most other teaching professionals. At SupplyBag.co.uk we try and help! Here’s a little guidance on writing your CV. You can find more in the rest of the Paperwork section.

Sample Curriculum Vitae

Your CV. It’s all in the detail! Make it shine.

Really, this sample curriculum vitae (CV) for teachers and supply teachers is just to demonstrate a suggested order for your information to follow.

(Getting to grips with format issues on WordPress, bear with me!)

Nutty Supplier

Address 1
Address 2
Address 3

Tel: 01223 5678901
Mobile: 079678 398759
Email: nutty@supplybag.co.uk

DfEE No.: 99/99999
Capita No.: 4800572
Date of Birth: 03.12.73
NI No.: TE 21 45 73 A
Marital Status: None of your business as a prospective employer (a pet peeve!)


(always put most recent first)

01.95 – 01.95 Crumpton University, Crumpton, County PGCE Upper Primary (Numeracy)

01.94 – 01.94 County University, City, County
BA (HONS) Disney Animations of the 20th Century 2(ii)

01.93 – 01.93 Institute of Disney Animators
MInstDA (Adv Dip) Disney Animation

01.92 – 01.92 Grotty School, Grottsville, County
A-Level General Studies A
Economics A
French A
GCSE Economics A
Russian A

01.91 – 01.91 Lessgrotty School, Grottsville, County
GCSE Mathematics A
English Language A
English Literature A
French A
German A
Chemistry A
Physics A
History A

Employment History

(Again, put most recent and relevant first)

Current Status: Self-employed

Clients: Disney Associates Ltd & DAA Consultants Ltd
Town, County
Disney Animators to the Stars
Duties and Tasks:
Accountancy, bookkeeping, payroll administration and research projects
Disney Consulting Ltd
Town, County
Cartoon Consultants
Duties and Tasks:
Preparation of conference agendas, analysis of conference minutes and reports, and research projects

Previous Experience: (Think carefully, do you want to put alllllll your work experience to show how flexible you are? Or will it look like you’re indecisive and can’t stick at something for long?)
Date Employer Job Title
01.07 – 01.07 Lakes Hotel Ltd Hotel Manager
01.06 – 01.06 Lovely Junior School Class Teacher
01.05 – 01.05 County County Council Supply Teacher
01.04 – 01.04 Lesslovely Junior School Class Teacher
01.03 – 01.03 Tescos Cashier
01.02 – 01.02 Town Council Special Needs Assistant
01.01 – 01.01 Travel Company Waitress
01.00 – 01.00 Foreign Legion Logistics Assistant
Nord-Pas de Calais, France
01.99 – 01.99 Holiday Camp Waitress

Relevant Work Experience:
01.01 – 01.01 Lovely Junior School, County
Class Teacher, ICT Co-ordinator
01.01 – 01.01 County County Council
Supply Teacher
01.01 – 01.01 Lesslovely Junior School, County
Class Teacher, ICT Co-ordinator
01.01 – 01.01 Awful Junior School, County
Host school of second teaching practice
01.01 – 01.01 Christian Junior School, County
Host school of first teaching practice
01.01 – 01.01 Beacon Primary School, Town
S.N.A. for three children, in Years 5 and 6
01.01 – 01.01 Hometown Junior School, Town
S.N.A. for two children in Year 3 and 4
01.01 – 01.01 Various schools throughout County
Pooh Bear Reading Scheme. Listening to readers in schools for children with special needs
01.01 – 01.01 Netherwood Special School, Town
Non-teaching activities in French classes
01.01 Hometown Junior School, Town
A three-week work experience

Personal Interests

I currently climb Mount Everest at the weekends, guiding groups of school children up there. I swim for England and am due to take part in the 2012 Olympics. In my spare time I am broadcaster of the local hospital radio and volunteer as a children’s clown at parties for underprivileged children in Estonia.


Mr G Phinn
Head Teacher
Lovely Junior School
Old Road
Tel: (01234) 567890
Mrs O Scrunchball
Head Teacher
Lesslovely Primary School
New Road
Tel: (01234) 567890

Above I have provided the contact details for my last two employers. I am however, able to provide contact details of other Head Teachers who are willing referees and indeed of my current clients if necessary.

Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Sample Personal / Supporting Statement. Check out our resources area here too.

About Us

by Sharon Wood aka NuttySupplier

I taught full-time in KS2 for a number of years in the south of England before relocating back to the north. After taking my own class, implementing initiative after initiative, moving classrooms and year groups 85% of academic years and running an average 6 clubs a week, I’d had enough! I took a few years out of teaching completely, explaining to friends and family that at the tender age of £$%* that I’d retired.

I had done a little supply in the south, as part of a return to work programme after a period of illness. However, this was undertaken in schools known to me, where the children still saw me as a teacher at their school. It was nothing like the world I was thrown into when I agreed to help out a local school for a few days during a particularly bad viral attack on their teaching staff after a couple of years back north!

Despite my initial reluctance at stepping back into a classroom, I ended a job contract in business facilitation in favour of doing more supply, and terminated contracts with various clients along with my self-employment status in favour of doing even more.  It was a great work/life balance, and just what I needed as I had bought a house to renovate.  For many years, I juggled contracts with schools in the area, from day-long to year-long, all temporary, all part-time, just how I like them!

I don’t do any teaching now due to a compromised immune system, but I am now a very proud mummy, and I also own TheSupplyTeacher.com.

SupplyBag - The essential resource for supply teachers


SupplyBag.co.uk was borne out of the forum within this site. NuttySupplier set up the Supply Teacher Forum on 19th November 2005 which enjoys many visits from friends old and new, daily. SupplyBag.co.uk is an attempt to formalise and categorise the vast amount of information contained within the forum, and present it in a way which makes it more easily accessible to the new visitor.

Advertisements placed on SupplyBag.co.uk are not endorsements by myself or SupplyBag.co.uk.