Tag Archives: emergency lesson plans

Year 4 Emergency Lesson Plans for DT

Lesson plans for supply teachersThese emergency lesson plans for Year 4 DT are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources. Also to be used following the guidance notes here.


Lesson plans for Year 4 DT

Topic Lesson Plan
Money Containers Survey of fastenings on the children’s shoes and clothes. Tally chart of findings. Children to look at each one in turn and decided positives/negatives on use of each one on a wallet/purse.
Storybooks Children plan how they would turn (for example) Baa, Baa, Black Sheep into a pop-up book for younger children. Plan on a sheet of A4 folded into 4 or 8 as a storyboard for each line of the nursery rhyme. Children to label and describe moving part for each line.
Torches/Alarms/Lighting It Up Children design a lighting or alarm system for a pet/zoo animal/other creature. How can it be made safe? Who will be able to control it (the animals?) Will it need a movement/light/noise sensor or timer on it? Produce plan on A4 paper, labelled clearly.

Don’t worry that DT lessons have to be practical. They can be investigative, remember the design element. Think kinesthetic too… Can the children show you how their robot works with their bodies? In a group?

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Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Year 4 Emergency Lesson Plans for Geography. Check out our resources area here too.

Year 3 Emergency Lesson Plans for DT

Lesson plans for supply teachersThese emergency lesson plans for Year 3 DT are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources. Also to be used following the guidance notes here.

Topic Lesson Plan
Packaging Give the children a list of materials (e.g. paper, cling film, aluminium foil, wool, fur, wood, tissue, cardboard) and ask them to chart the properties first of all, then think of a product that can be packaged in that material, and finally think of a more suitable material for the packaging.
Sandwich Snacks Focus on health and safety. Children to design a poster. Draw someone in the kitchen breaking all the rules, e.g. hair hanging down, unwashed hands, uncovered wounds and a cat sat at the far end of the chopping board watching.
Moving Monsters Relate to human body. How do we move? List the moving parts and the direction in which they move. What helps us to move more easily? Are there children here who can move in ways which others can’t (wiggle ears?) Can you design a moving human body? Label diagram with as much as you can. Ideally great big sheets of paper, draw round one of the children in each group, group work to label.
Photograph Frames This unit looks at free-standing frames. Can the children find anything in the classroom which is free-standing? How are the chairs staying upright? The desks? Pencil pots? Classify as a group, 2 legs, 3, legs, wide base, pedestal etc.

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Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Year 3 Emergency Lesson Plans for Geography. Check out our resources area here too.

Emergency Lesson Plans for Geography – Mixed Year Groups

Lesson plans for supply teachersThese emergency lesson plans for Mixed Year Group Geography are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources. Also to be used following the guidance notes here.


Topic Lesson Plan
Geography and numbers How do numbers help us in Geography? Look through atlases if you have any, look up a major city in an encyclopaedia, look at populations, average rainfall charts, heights of mountains, lengths of rivers, etc.
What's in the news? As a continuous unit, you could slot this in as a one-off anytime, helps enormously if you have a current newspaper or access to a TV around the time of a news broadcast, or BBC News online, or a radio (online?) Discuss, and write a summary of discussion:
  What is happening in our local area? How and why is the place changing? How will people in the community respond?
  What will the weather be like today or tomorrow? How does weather vary around the world?
  What is in the local, national or international news today? Where are these places? What is happening there? Why?
  What is in the televised news today? What is happening and why?
Connecting ourselves to the world Another continuous topic (great for supply teachers!), hold discussions, talk about experiences, and write summaries, reports:
  Why do people use faxes? Where do faxes in school come from and go to and why? (I think PDFs are taking over personally, and this needs to be re-written!) Why do people use e-mail? Write a questionnaire to be sent by e-mail to twinned school about their locality, would be sent as an attachment.
  What is the weather like where you are? Look at weather (met-office.gov.uk or bbc.co.uk) elsewhere in the world/UK, and discuss the impact it has on everyday life.
  Where is a place? How will we get there? What will our journey be like? Look at different journeys the children might take that year, possibly through school, compare it to journeys to places they know (swimming pool, local church.)

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Year 6 Emergency Lesson Plans for Geography

Lesson plans for supply teachersThese emergency lesson plans for Year 6 Geography are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources. Also to be used following the guidance notes here.


Topic Lesson Plan
Investigating rivers If the river dried up/flooded, how would it affect the economy/environment/tourism. Discuss and write report.
The mountain environment Plan a camping holiday in a mountain environment, travel, luggage, activities. Compare to a camping holiday on a coastline. Chart in a table?
Investigating coasts How will an underground tunnel from this coastline to another affect the economy/environment/tourism etc. Discuss and write report.

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Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Year 6 Emergency Lesson Plans for Literacy. Check out our resources area here too.

Year 5 Emergency Lesson Plans for Geography

Lesson plans for supply teachersThese emergency lesson plans for Year 5 Geography are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources. Also to be used following the guidance notes here.


Topic Lesson Plan
Water Try and chart how much water the children use in a week in their households. Look at how they can reduce their water use, and at why they would need to too!
Should the high street be closed to traffic? If the high street were closed to traffic, what exceptions would you make to the rule and why? (Ambulances, wagons.)
A contrasting UK locality – Llandudno How does it feel when you are in a contrasting locality? (City for village dwellers, countryside for city children etc.) Write a poem expressing excitement/daunting thought of going in one verse, second verse while you’re there, and third verse reflection when you’re back home.
Local traffic – an environmental issue Give each group of children a role in society (police/environmental activist/head teacher/OAP etc.) and tell them secretly what their opinion is of a local issue (traffic issue, parking, by-pass, one way street, cycle lanes etc.) and give 5 minutes to come up with an argument. Have a chairperson, and hold a debate. Children to write a summary of views in their books.
Investigating coasts How will an underground tunnel from this coastline to another affect the economy/environment/tourism etc. Discuss and write report.


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Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Year 5 Emergency Lesson Plans for Literacy. Check out our resources area here too.

Year 4 Emergency Lesson Plans for Geography

Lesson plans for supply teachersThese emergency lesson plans for Year 4 Geography are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources. Also to be used following the guidance notes here.


Lesson Plans for Year 4 Geography

Topic Lesson Plan
Improving the environment Survey how much paper etc. they think their class throws/wastes in a day, multiply by five for a week, then by ‘n’ for the whole school to emphasis. Get children to design poster to go up in other classrooms to encourage recycling, using both sides of paper etc.
Village settlers Draw a sizeable island on the board, river running through, beaches, cave, forestation etc., and ask children to label/describe where they would live if they were stranded on the island. Emphasise close to water, building materials (or cave for shelter.) Why would they settle there? Why do they think early settlers chose to live in their village/town?
A village in India This is usually Chembakolli. Ask children to draw a table of differences between their locality and Chembakolli – employment, lives of children, buildings, homes, leisure and food. What do they know, what would they like to know, how would they find out as extension.
How and where do we spend our time? Do a class survey on what leisure activities they did at the weekend. Children to present the results they found. Look at level of exercise on average, and ask children to come up with ways to help children increase the level of exercise, and use of local facilities i.e. park, walks, swimming pool.
How can we improve the area we can see from our window? Draw/label what the view from your window (in school?) will be like in the future.


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Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Year 4 Emergency Lesson Plans for Literacy. Check out our resources area here too.

Year 3 Emergency Lesson Plans for Geography

Lesson plans for supply teachersThese emergency lesson plans for Year 3 Geography are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources. Also to be used following the guidance notes here.


Topic Lesson Plan
Investigating our local area Where is it in relation to other places?
Weather around the world Plan a holiday in a cold place. Locate on a map, how will you get there, what is it like, what will you take with you, what activities could you do that you couldn’t do in a hot place (skiing etc.) Children to then design a tourist leaflet for that place, or invitation to a family member to come with them.
How can we improve the area we can see from our window? Draw/label what the view from your window (in school?) will be like in the future.

Return to Emergency Lesson Plans Index

Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Year 3 Emergency Lesson Plans for Literacy. Check out our resources area here too.

Year 5 and Year 6 Emergency Lesson Plans for History

Lesson plans for supply teachersThese emergency lesson plans for Year 5 and 6 History are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources. Also to be used following the guidance notes here.


Topic Lesson Plan
What was it like for children living in Victorian Britain? Key influence on children’s lives in Victorian times was Dr Barnardo. He raised over £3m to establish a network of Homes to rescue children from the streets, more than 60,000 in his time. Gave them care and life skills training. Homes has not existed before. Empathise with a child on the streets (orphaned, excluded from home because of poverty/disability) and write to Dr Barnardo thanking him and telling him what differences it has made to your life. Children lived in Homes with other children, and also went to live in Homes with families, like the foster care we see today. What legacy has Barnardo left for modern Britain?
How did life change in our locality in Victorian times? Depends on your locality! If there’s a major railway, then probably easiest to use that – how did the railway affect the wealth of the locality (trade.)
How has life in Britain changed since 1948? Write extract from a diary of your mother/grandmother as a child, include pastimes and reference to music, then write your own typical diary entry for a night.
Who were the ancient Greeks? Find information in a resource book on the Greek gods. Read aloud to children information on different gods, their symbols and their responsibilities in the world. Children to create a new Greek god specifically for modern day, draw and describe.
How do we use ancient Greek ideas today? Look at Greek language origins, prefixes and suffixes geo-, -ology, photo-, phon-, tech-, and -phobia and their meanings.
How can we find out about the Indus Valley civilisation? Children may be studying other non-European societies such as Aztecs. Ideograms: symbol in picture-writing representing idea of thing; any symbol universally recognised like emoticons they may use on MSN Messenger. Indus Valley people had an ideogram of a . Draw simple designs on board and ask children to vote for what they think it could represent. Look here: http://www.bl.uk/cgi-bin/ideogram1.cgi for ideas based on Chinese characters.
What were the effects of Tudor exploration? Effects are positive and negative (tobacco, racism, war, potatoes, maize, more accurate maps.) Children could write a poem: Life Without Potatoes!
What can we learn about recent history from studying the life of a famous person? John Lennon/Lady Diana what can we learn about music/the media/promotions/fashion/public sympathies from the lives of these people?


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Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Year 5 Emergency Lesson Plans for DT. Check out our resources area here too.

Year 3 and Year 4 Emergency Lesson Plans for History

Lesson plans for supply teachersThese emergency lesson plans for Year 3 and 4 History are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources. Also to be used following the guidance notes here.


Topic Lesson Plan
Why have people invaded and settled in Britain in the past? A Roman case study. Find a description of Boudicca in more than one book. Read to children and note similarities/differences (question why they might contradict each other) and then children to draw Boudicca and write a paragraph on what sort of person she might be… write it from two different points of view if more able, a centurions and a Celt being invaded.
Why have people invaded and settled in Britain in the past? An Anglo-Saxon case study. Present an artefact (photo/muddy a pot during lunchtime) and ask children to write questions that they would ask the owner. The artefact was found in the grave at Sutton Hoo, so it may tell us a lot about the Anglo-Saxons. If there were an AS in the room, what would they ask about the artefact, that would help them to understand further what life was like then. Most important here is historical enquiry, what ‘could’ we find out from these objects, make a list of questions. You can hot seat at the end pretending you’re an AS and tell the children about your life if you’re comfortable with the topic.
Why have people invaded and settled in Britain in the past? A Viking case study. Explain that most religions state an obligation to help the poor and destitute. In Anglo-Saxon times, there lived monks, in monasteries. People gave treasures to the monks, and the monks stored food for the poor. Why would monasteries be a good place for Vikings to raid? Children to draw a cartoon strip of Vikings raiding a monasteries (monks do not fight back) including showing their ‘loot’.
Why did Henry VIII marry six times? Write an extract from Henry VIII’s diary. He spent his days hunting, going to church, having huge meals with umpteen courses, listening to and performing music. Ask them then to write an extract from the diary of one of his servant’s children (who would also be working in the palace!)
What were the differences between the lives of rich and poor people in Tudor times? Explore reasons why some people were rich and others were poor in Tudor times, compare with why people are rich and poor today. Look at attitudes to rich and poor then and now. There were almshouses then, but laws against begging etc., the poor were punished.
What was it like for children in the Second World War? Write a letter from a parent to an evacuated child, describing the Blitz, or write a letter to a parent from an evacuated child, describing the countryside (Goodnight Mr Tom etc., if there’s a copy in the classroom)
What can we find out about ancient Egypt from what has survived? Egyptians believe in life after death, and buried their people with objects that could help them in the next life, and would also show what their social standing was in this life – they are almost like time capsules of a persons life at one point in time. Draw/write about what you would put in a time capsule for your life/David Beckham’s life (for example!) Be sensitive, some children may be coming to terms with a recent death.
What was it like to live here in the past? Write open-ended questions that you would ask an elderly resident about life in your locality in the past. Go back further and write questions for people who have since died (Victorians etc.) How do these questions differ and why?


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Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Year 3 Emergency Lesson Plans for DT. Check out our resources area here too.

Year 6 Emergency Lesson Plans for Science

Lesson plans for supply teachersThese emergency lesson plans for Year 6 Science are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources. Also to be used following the guidance notes here.


Topic Lesson Plan
Interdependence and adaptation Food chains: always starts with the producer, a plant, and keep the consumers in the same habitat. Ask which are prey/predator. Draw/label 3 food chains.
Micro-organisms Mouldy food: what is mould? Micro-organisms which are too small to be seen individually. Table different methods that are used in supermarkets/in the home to preserve food. How do we store food to help prevent decay/these micro-organisms growing?
Micro-organisms Produce a hygiene rules poster for the school canteen staff, after discussion about hygiene in the kitchen.
More about dissolving Present children with a table of results (fictitious but sensible) of length of time taken for clothes to dry on the washing line at different times of the day/year. Ask children first of all to predict and explain predictions, and then they are to present results on a graph. (This isn’t obviously about dissolving, but within this unit they must plan fair test, repeat observations and evaluate, representing data on graphs and interpreting!) Show different items of clothes, and ask children to reason why socks though smaller than T-shirts, took longer to dry whatever the time. (Materials.)
Reversible and irreversible changes Give children a list of materials which can be mixed with water. Children to classify in a table those that can’t be separated, those they would filter and those they would separate by evaporation. Centrifugal force introduction for more able?
Forces in action Make a spinner, two paper strips 10cm x 2cm, joined with 1 paperclip and time the fall (from a decent height!) Ask children to predict whether it will fall more quickly/slowly with different lengths of wings. Work through whole experiment, fair test, results, graph, conclusion.
Forces in action Make a spinner, two paper strips 10cm x 2cm, joined with 1 paperclip and time the fall (from a decent height!) Ask children to predict whether it will fall more quickly/slowly with different numbers of paperclips (weight). Work through whole experiment, results, graph, conclusion.
How we see things How light travels. Design a system by which you could see round corners, secret agent!
Changing circuits Draw a number of circuits on the board for the children to say if they will/will not work, and explain. Visit blogz circuits and work through activities, if you have access to a computer with Flash.
Enquiry in environmental and technological contexts Post SATs stuff for Year 6! Ask the children to create a scientific question, give them examples, that they then can plan how to answer. Plan the whole experiment, time scales, equipment needed, predictions. Focus on making sure it is a fair test and how to make absolutely certain that their investigations will actually answer their question, rather than a spin-off idea. Example lines of enquiry: how to make my light come on when I enter my house? (Pressure switches in circuits) Does the level of exposure to sunlight through the year affect the autumnal colour of a leaf? These questions will not be answered in your lesson! They are planning units, making children think about all factors and differentials in an investigation.


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Where next? There’s a great quick read here on Year 6 Resource-Free Lesson Plans. Check out our resources area here too.